Why Trust Immerse?

Clinically Tested

Luxore Skin is focused on being a brand you can trust, centered around quality that shows in the results! Immerse proudly stands by its effectiveness, backed by clinical testing.

Dermatologically Approved

Immerse has been tested by reputable dermatologists and proven to be a non-irritating oil, scoring a perfect 0 on the irritation scale! Tested on 24 healthy volunteers, Immerse is extremely safe and can be used by every individual except those who have an underlying allergy to any of the ingredients.

Cruelty Free

Proudly made in India, Immerse stands clean with absolutely no animal testing whatsoever, making it cruelty-free!

No Added Fragrance

Immerse - Herb-Infused hair oil has a beautiful earthy aroma with eucalyptus undertones, purely derived from the raw herbs infused in the oil. No fragrance, whether synthetic or natural, was added in the making of the oil.

No Added Colourants

The rich golden hue of Immerse is solely released from the herbs immersed in it! No synthetic colors were used to formulate our hair oil.

No Essential Oils

While essential oils are natural, they haven't been proven safe for use on the skin and can be highly irritating to some individuals, causing rashes and burns. To avoid any of this, Immerse has been formulated without the use of essential oils, making it absolutely safe.

Vegan By Nature

All the ingredients that go into the making of the oil are vegan, and no animal-derived product has been used in the process.

Oraganically Sourced

All ingredients used in the hair oil are organically and ethically sourced from the diverse landscapes of India!

Safe Formulations A Priority? We Got You Covered!